Today was incredible! Our trip has been one adventure after another. Riding the metro has quickly become a very normal part of our day. Today we dashed off for an early start at the Eiffel Tower. Several elevators were under repair and reservations were not we decided to do what anyone that had been on their feet for several days & skipped breakfast would do.....climb the 720 steps to the 2nd Level and catch a different elevator that would take us to the top.
Notice the smiles.....we are about 40 steps into it
The 2nd Level provided a great chance to catch our breath before going for the roof.
And the top was certianly worth the effort
Of course after any trip up the Eiffel Tower (or anywhere else in France), a good cafe' and some food are in order.....sitting at a typical Paris sidewalk bistro. Watching people, laughing about our sore legs & enjoying the time together!
On our way back to the room for some "get off our feet time", we did stop at the Arc de Triomphe for our first view of Eble history in France. Beleive it or not, our name is etched on this incredible landmark.

Resting those "barking dogs" was certianly in order. Not sure we will catch up on sleep completly until we are back home....but afternoon naps are becoming a daily occurance.
After this pass out & relax session, we climed the metro again and went to dinner in Sacr'e Coeur @ Le Coq Rico. There are a few resturants that we have visited which are a litte intimidating, but fun to, language, food, drinks and even water are challenges at times. This one was no exception to the above...but for the waiter. He was funny and very helpful. According to him, Le Coq Rico had the best chicken in France (whch was good to know, we supposed). We had duck, chicken, salad, vegetables, mac/cheese and of course french fries (which is a staple at most every meal except breakfast). We enjoyed a bottle of wine for dinner.....and when I say "we"...I mean all of us...again a new experience!
We finished off the night by stolling the streets of Montmarte and the church at Sacr'e Coeur, the highest place in Paris. Now this is the Paris that we always pictured and will certianly visit again before we leave. Small streets, bistros, cafe' shops, live music, art shops, artists sketching and at one point a young lady doing a solo song in front of a bistro was awesome to say the least.
My wife is very happy!
A very nice setting for live music and city lights
I am blessed beyond what I deserve!